Posts tagged "Mesh"

Max Cooper | One Hundred Billion Sparks | MESH Release Date: 20 September 2018 Review by Jenna Dreisenstock  An inhale of the fresh clarity, within the overlook of canyons – filled in a kind of awe, so indescribably beautiful; forests gleaming emerald, mountains stretching farther than eye can engulf –

After spending a month in complete isolation at a remote cottage in Wales, Max Cooper presents One Hundred Billion Sparks, his third studio album, in which he interrogates notions of identity whilst profiling the complex mechanisms that make us all wonderfully unique. His previous album Emergence applied this reasoning outwards

As the middle of the year draws to a close and we are beginning to embrace the second half of 2018 (Yeah, we’re almost at the end of 2018. Pretty crazy.) It’s a good time to reflect on the great releases that have graced our auditory sphere within the last

“For me personally, the foundations of nature, in the broadest sense (including us), carry the most beauty and maddening incomprehensibility. The more something is distilled, the more its beauty is crystallised.” Self reflection in complete isolation; the immerse in nature and introspection of the self, and the world around us.

Interview by Shannon Lawlor Max Cooper is an experimental-electronic musician currently based in London. For over a decade now, Cooper has been both a perpetual cog in the underground electronic steam-engine, and a driving force in the ambient and techno scenes. Since 2007, Cooper has released a plethora of remixes

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