Since fabric won the battle to open their doors once more,the club will be donating surplus funds of the £320,215 it raised in charitable donations to other “worthy causes.”
Last night, fabric’s managing director Gary Kilbey shared a “transparency statement” that describes the the details of the court proceedings Monday, at which time they won the appeal to win back their license and reopen, as well as the costs they incurred and funds they raised during the #SaveOurCulture campaign. The document includes a statement from their barrister, Philip Kolvin QC, a list of thank-yous to their supporters and a breakdown of their income and expenditures.
According to the statement, the total donations pledged to #SaveOurCulture—reached £320,215.00 by the time of publishing, but they will be accepting donations until 17:00 (U.K. time) this evening, November 23. This far surpasses the £4,883.00 they spent on legal services, expert witnesses who appeared at court and tech support over the past few months, so Kilbey reports that the extra proceeds will go to “worthy causes within the industry,” such as their barrister’s efforts to reform licensing laws.
The statement also indicts that fabric have commissioned a new piece of art that all donors will be able to take part in and will be installed in the club when it reopens.