In preparation of the upcoming sequel to the original Blade Runner, a new animated short film titled Blade Runner 2022...
Month: September 2017
Miami-born multi-instrumentalist and producer KAIXEN shares his new single ‘In Private ft. MRKI” via Lush Records head of the release...
A few weeks ago via Twitter, Björk announced a single-sided limited-edition vinyl to be released on September 22nd. Now, days before...
Blue Hawaii return with new video and upcoming album Tenderness. It’s been four years since Blue Hawaii released their 2013...
Prolific experimental-rock outfit Radiohead and renowned film-composer Hans Zimmer are set to score BBC One’s second installment of the captivating...
Interview by Shannon Lawlor Martin Stimming, aka Stimming is an electronic music producer from Hamburg, Germany who has to date,...
Jilk are an experimental electronic band based in Bristol, England. Gaining an assorted collection of praise from influencers such as Red...
NHOAH is a Berlin-based electronic artist, producer and musician. He is the owner of the record label and art collective,...
Rone will be releasing his fourth album titled Mirapolis, scheduled for November 3rd via InFiné. Stepping into Rone’s music is like sleepwalking...
Four Tet has just announced a new album titled New Energy, due for release on September 29th. The forthcoming album...
Nathan Fake set to release second installment of Providence Reworks, carefully constructed and transformed by Olga Wojciechowska – a Polish...
With a new album due October 6th via Ghostly International, Shigeto has shared new single ‘Don’t Trip’. It’s been four...