French musician, Melody Prochet, best known as Melody’s Echo Chamber has detailed her upcoming album titled Bon Voyage. Released on...
Mint Field | Pasar de las Luces | Innovative Leisure Release date: February 23rd 2018 Review by Jenna Dreisenstock Otherworldly...
Nabihah Iqbal | Weighing of the Heart | Ninja Tune Release date: December 1st 2017 Review by Jenna Dreisenstock Ghosts;...
Next year, influential goth-rockers The Cure are set to celebrate their fortieth (!!!) year as a band. To commemorate such...
Interview by Shannon Lawlor Twin Weaver are a four piece alternative band hailing from Cape Town, South Africa. Their music...
Interview by Shannon Lawlor Dangerfields are a four-piece alternative band from Cape Town, South Africa. Blending elements of early post-punk...
Originally from Liverpool, Ben Thomas has been writing for bands since he was 13. His previous output as L’Etranger spanned...
Jilk are an experimental electronic band based in Bristol, England. Gaining an assorted collection of praise from influencers such as Red...
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