DIORA, a Cape Town gem now residing in Amsterdam, is a force and vision. Blending many genres together to create...
Following the critically acclaimed release of his three-part Neowl EP (alongside Grooveshack) on Elif’s Marginalia imprint back in December, German-born,...
OLAN often wonders, “where do I fit in?,” and this question feels essential to her practice. Her eclectic blend of...
As seasons come and go and trends in the music industry change, we believe one thing remains the same: lo-fi...
It was a time before covid when TGC entered our lives, bringing with them a magical sparkle and the single...
Image by Calvin Leander Over the past few decades, German tech-house producer Sascha Braemer has pretty much had a hand...
Image credit: Bill Shupp This week we sat down with vocalist Jessica Ford, producer Brett Crockett and multi-instrumentalist Eric Matsuno,...
Image credit: Michael Alexander Embark on a journey of social commentary and defying gender norms, narrated by indie-pop musician Wolf...
Image credit: Sauriêl Creative – Sammy Leigh Scholl Esteemed producer Nick Warren has seen the music industry through years of...
Image Credit: Sven Marquardt UK-born and Berlin-based producer Emika has remixed Vincenzo Ramaglia’s ‘La parole 4’, which features the jaw-dropping...
Tereza Lavickova (singer-electric guitarist) and Miroslav Patocka (singer-acoustic guitarist) are the driving force behind the nom de plume of teepee....
Tuscan DJ and producer Luca Agnelli’s work straddles the worlds of deep house and contemporary techno, a fruitful mix that...