Icelandic artist Björk has released a public statement revealing sexual harassment allegations against an unnamed Danish film director – most...
Radiohead and Hans Zimmer preview an orchestral re-imagined version of the Radiohead song ‘Bloom’ from 2011 album The King of...
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‘Glimpse Of Hope’ is taken from ‘Echo’, Nils Bech’s first album on DFA Records / Fysisk Format and is now...
A few weeks ago via Twitter, Björk announced a single-sided limited-edition vinyl to be released on September 22nd. Now, days before...
All things considered, J Tropic hasn’t been in the music game for all that long (at least under this moniker),...
Moveltraxx has been one of the most exciting underground labels coming out from the UK/France, and DJ Nasty/Detroit‘s latest release...
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