FKA twigs x Headie One x Fred Again… | Don’t Judge Me | Young Turks
Release Date: 26 January, 2021
In a striking new track and the heart wrenching official music that comes alongside it; FKA twigs has joined forces with London rapper Headie One and producer Fred Again… in a new take on what was once an interlude. Entitled ‘Don’t Judge Me’, the track stems as an extension of ‘Judge Me (interlude)’ from Headie One and Fred Again…’s collaborative mixtape ‘GANG’ from 2020.
Prolific director Emmanuel Adjei worked alongside FKA twigs sculpting the official music video, showcasing the poignant and urgent narrative within the track. On ‘Don’t Judge Me’ Emmanuel Adjei expresses:
From someone’s appearance, we are unable to judge whether a person discriminates over color, sex, religion, or gender. The oppressors within the people surrounding us, most often remain invisible until their abuse against others is revealed. This is one of the reasons why, for generations, discrimination is so hard to fight. Who must the victim fight against if it can’t identify the perpetrator?
In this audio-visual document we get to witness artists FKA twigs and Headie One, amongst other Black British influentials, fighting against invisible forces of judgement and oppression. Having the enormous Victorian-inspired fountain Fons Americanus by visual artist Kara Walker—depicting the historical, sorrowful story of slavery and colonization—as our setting, and particularly as the spirit of the film, this important monument creates another layer of depth and meaning to an invisible yet shared history.
Emmanuel Adjei
In ‘Don’t Judge Me’, a flourishing ambience crafts a highly immersive atmosphere in every aspect of the track, with textural electronics showcasing a virtuosic approach to composition and narrative building through audio. Opening with haunting synths gliding painfully as phantoms, a steady beat enters alongside FKA twigs angelic yet powerful vocals, the minimalist soundscape building a foundation of anticipation as the pounding heartbeat grows anxious within us.
The tempo increases as the track segues into Headie One’s rap, his lyrics striking and raw, the gritty reality present within the emotive tone of his voice. The experience that is ‘Don’t Judge Me’ is truly captivating; while the truth of the matter may be heart-breaking – it overflows with a sense of power as the fight against systemic racism, discrimination and oppression – that which is and always has been horrific and unjust – continues.
Young Turks Recordings are donating their profits from this single to The Black Curriculum:

For more information follow FKA twigs, Headie One & Fred Again…
Feature Image: FKA twigs in the official ‘holy terrain’ music video from her album ‘MAGDALENE’