‘Your Tempo‘ is the newest track by Swedish producer Kasbo, officially premiered by Billboard. The track marks the fourth single...
Berlin-based producer Andrew Applepie and Swedish vocalist Bjurman are back yet again with their latest collaborative victory ‘Waltz of Despair’...
Karin Dreijer Andersson, best known for fronting Swedish electro-pop duo The Knife, has just announced a follow up to her...
Consisting of musicians and friends Hanna Fideli Fritzell (lead vocals, guitar), William Lindberg (bass guitar, vocals), Ida Säfström (vocals, violin,...
In Magazine
The festival – sited at an abandoned cement factory, has added eight more names to its whopping lineup. This is...
SHXCXCHCXSH are an experimental electronic duo formed in Norrköping, Sweden. Since 2012, the pair have been making waves with their...
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