Artyom Nikitin, aka Ennja is a young electronic producer hailing from Russia. Initially inspired to produce music in a similar...
Michele Pinna aka Time Traveler is an Italian-born experimental techno producer and DJ currently based in London, UK. Influenced by the...
Interview by Shannon Lawlor sgrow are an experimental electronic duo based in Oslo, Norway. Since 2013, Vilde Nupen and Kristoffer...
Interview by Shannon Lawlor The Octopus Project are an experimental indie-pop band from Austin, Texas. Since 1999, the quartet have...
Interview by Shannon Lawlor Erwan Castex aka Rone is French-born experimental electronic musician currently located in Berlin. As well as...
DYGL are a Japanese alternative indie-rock band consisting of members Nobuki Akiyama (vocal & guitar), Kohei Kamoto (drums), Yotaro Kachi...
Junge Junge are an electronic duo based in Germany. One half Rochus Grolle has remained one of Germany’s most prolific...
Alessandro Bossi, better known as KIOL is a 20-year old soul-rock singer/songwriter based in Italy. The prolific artist has written...
Writing music is how 22-year old vocalist and musician AVEC keeps the wolf from her door – often reflecting on personal...
Interview by Shannon Lawlor 65daysofstatic are a four-headed experimental electronic-rock band from Sheffield, UK. Formed in 2001, the band have...
Interview by Shannon Lawlor Helena Hauff is German producer and DJ currently based in Hamburg. Strictly focused on using analogue...
Based in eastern France, Philippe Fagnoni aka AstroVoyager has been passionate about sound from an early age. Fagnoni was part...