EXCLUSIVE: 5 Minutes with Tel-Aviv’s Noga Erez

Introducing the new Tel-Aviv based electro artist Noza Erez, recently signed to City Slang, she also shared her hard-hitting debut single ‘Dance While You Shoot’ last week. Erez also has several live shows scheduled across the U.K. over the next few months. Despite her hectic schedule we managed to catch-up with her and discussed what’s it’s like growing up in a war zone, and how this effected her art on an emotional level…

You’ve been described as a ‘experimental renegade,’ making ‘political pop’ would you say this is an accurate description of you artistically?

I don’t really know. I am an experimental artist in the sense that the music I make is generated from experimenting with different sounds and styles. Ori Rousso, my partner in music, and I are constantly exploring our way through the process. But, I work within a structure, inside the ‘rules’ of a song because that keeps me focused and that’s the form of art I like to work around. I like to think outside of the norm and do things differently, but this is not a main goal for me. I don’t try to break the rules or invent anything. I just go with what feels good and what sounds fresh. The term ‘political’ is kinda weird to me. I write and sing about subjects that I care about from a personal point of view and as well as what is happening around me.

Do you think growing up in Tel-Aviv had a significant impact on your creative output?

Obviously, where I come from has a huge impact on me and my music. It’s a part of my identity. It’s what my life revolves around. I decided that I cannot run away from it, especially since a lot of my songs are inspired by my surroundings and where I’m from. But, my approach is global. We are all dealing with many of the same issues, fears and frustrations in terms of what is happening in the world. The only difference is just the point of view.

How did you first start your musical career, and what drove you to start producing (an area still more dominated by men these days)?

I was making music for a very long time and as time went on, I just learned more and more. I had some basic skills with different instruments, but I always wanted to know how to record myself and how to arrange all the layers of music into a song. So, I started playing around with software, but it was limiting because I am a bit technophobic. Then I met my partner Ori and by working with him, I have learned so much about how to approach producing and sound. So in a way, by letting someone else into the creative process, I have gained independence.

Can you tell us abut the influences for your latest single ‘Dance While You Shoot,’ and its video?

The song ‘Dance While You Shoot’ came from a very angry and frustrated place. I was incredibly upset with things that I read in the news and with all the corruption happening in the world. I felt mislead and manipulated. That the influence I have on my life is so little. It was just one of those moments of deep frustration that lead me into a flow of writing. When we started to think about ideas for the video I ran into Richard Mosse’s ‘Infra’ series. It’s a series that shows soldiers in the Republic Of Congo shot through infrared film. The color pink made the image so beautiful while the content was very disturbing. The idea of using the color pink to soften the disturbing images felt so right in the context of this song.

The production is complex, how did you manage the studio process? Presumably you had assistance?

No, it was just Ori and me. We did it all. It was easy and we had the best work flow. I actually think that sometimes creating something complex is easier then making something simple.

What else can we expect of you in the New Year, is there a date set for your debut album yet?

2017 is going to be all about touring and releasing songs. The new album will be out in late Spring 2017

Noga Erez – Dance While You Shoot (Official Video)

Debut single “Dance While You Shoot” out now on City Slang! Stream/order it here

Interview by Natalie Wardle.

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