In preparation of the upcoming sequel to the original Blade Runner, a new animated short film titled Blade Runner 2022 is scheduled to drop on October 6th, marking the third in a series of prequels following the original film leading up to the upcoming sequel. According to Pitchfork, the short film was directed by Shinichiro Watanabe and features music composed by Flying Lotus and Kuedo, also including music by Miguel Atwood-Ferguson.
Composer Jóhann Jóhannsson was originally set to score the upcoming sequel, Blade Runner 2049, but since he is longer involved in the project, duties have now been attached to Hans Zimmer and Benjamin Wallfisch.
Back in June, Flying Lotus secured a wider release for his own film, Kuso, and is set to embark on 3D-show tour this fall across North America.
Watch a Japanese promo-clip for Blade Runner 2022 below –