Swiss producer and indie-songstress Anna Aaron initially gained notability by fellow Swiss jazz musician Sophie Hunger, prompting celebrated label Two...
Month: May 2018
Loux are an electro-pop three piece, featuring guitar, drums, electronics and vocals and are currently based in Leeds, UK. The...
BRAIDS’ two new singles, “Collarbones” and “Burdock & Dandelion”, reflect their quintessential sound, yet also exhibit a new, bold and...
A few days ago, the Adult Swim Singles Program premiered Thundercat’s latest single “Final Fight”, available now via BRAINFEEDER. The...
Apostille has shared a second track from his forthcoming album Choose Life, which is set for release on June 8th via...
ZULI, Egyptian multi-instrumentalist, producer, and DJ will release his latest hallucinatory EP Trigger Finger on May 5th via Haunter Records. Following previous EPs...
Interview by Shannon Lawlor Grails are an experimental-rock band hailing from Portland, Oregon. Initially forming as a ‘no-strings-attached’ side-project, Grails...
Tiaan du Toit and Jamie Christensen aka Wax Beach are an electronic duo currently based in Cape Town, South Africa....
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