Peggy Gou – I Hear You

Peggy Gou’s long awaited debut album I Hear You arrives with promise, but on the back of such an extended rollout, some tracks feel less fresh. The South Korean-born, Berlin-based DJ and producer showcases her journey from underground favorite to global dance music sensation, yet the album’s lack of cohesive direction often makes it feel more like a mixtape than a fully realized debut (for context, the album’s lead single arrived nearly a whole year ago). 


I Hear You opens with Your Art, featuring a poem by Olafur Eliasson, setting an introspective tone that doesn’t quite carry through. What follows is a kaleidoscopic journey through Gou’s musical influences, from ’90s rave nostalgia to soulful collaborations.



The album’s eclectic nature is both its strength and weakness. Tracks like Lobster Telephone hint toward the album’s vague surrealist inspiration, while showcasing Gou’s ability to blend bouncy rhythms with abstract lyricism. Tracks like All That demonstrate her versatility and affinity in incorporating hip-hop elements. The inclusion of previously released hits feels like a double-edged sword, somewhat diminishing the album’s overall impact.


Despite these somewhat frustrating drawbacks, I Hear You has moments of brilliance that confirm Gou’s status as a distinctive figure in club music. Her attention to production detail shines through, particularly on tracks like Purple Horizons and Seoulsi Peggygou. Ultimately, I Hear You is a mixed bag – a collection of often excellent individual tracks that doesn’t quite coalesce into a coherent album experience. It’s a stepping stone in Gou’s career, showcasing her strengths while also highlighting areas for growth.


Download / stream I Hear You here